Warhammer 40K RTT - Manhattan - May 25


Warhammer 40K RTT - Manhattan - May 25


Saturday, May 25, 9:30am – 6:30pm

SOLD OUT - BUT WE HAVE A WAITING LIST! Please contact the store to be added to the list. (785) 370-3999

Join us a Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader 2000 point Tournament

Doors Open: 9:00 a.m.
Event Brief: 9:30 a.m.
Round 1 Pairings: 9:45 a.m.
Dice Drop: 10:00 a.m.

Round 1: 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Search and Destroy, Supply Lines, Take and Hold

Lunch: 12:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Round 2: 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sweeping Engagement, Sweep and Clear, Vital Ground

Round 3: 4:15 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.
Crucible of Battle, Vox Static, Purge the Foe

Awards: 7:00 p.m.

Tournament Structure

Players: 20
Mission Pack: Leviathan GT
Terrain: GW Layout (Layout 3)

Rules Cutoff: May 18, 2024

List Submission Deadline: May 22 2024.

Lists will be hidden until all lists are submitted. List editing will be locked once all lists are visible. Failure to submit a list on time will result in a 10VP penalty reduction in your first game. Failure to submit a list by May 23 will result in a 10VP penalty reduction in all your games. Lists must be submitted annotating all weapon and Enhancement loadouts. It is recommended to use either the Warhammer App or Battlescribe for list creation.

Scroll down for more details, or view them on Best Coast Pairing’s site.

Manhattan’s The Village Geek
105 North 3rd Street
Manhattan, KS 66502
(785) 370-3999

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Pairings- First round will be Random. Rounds 2 and 3 will be paired Random based on Path to Victory.

Placings- W/L record, followed by Path to Victory, and Battle Points Tie Breaker.

Path to Victory: Closest resemblance to a single elimination bracket system possible. A player who goes W-W-L will place higher than a player who goes L-W-W regardless of victory points.

FAQs: All written GW rules publications will be adhered to unless otherwise mentioned (see Terrain Guidelines). No other organization’s (FLG, WTC, UKTC, etc.) FAQ document is considered an official rule and will not be cited as a ruling justification. If you are aware of a common rules question, please contact the POC at the bottom of this document to get an answer before the event or discuss with your opponent pregame.

Game Aids- No game aids besides tables, game mats, and terrain will be provided by staff. Game aids not provided include, but not limited to: Dice, Measuring tape, Objective Markers.

Painting and Paint VP- All players will receive their 10VP for Paint each round regardless of the current paint progress made.

Tournament Policies

WYSIWYG – This is not a strict WYSIWYG event, but players are encouraged to model their miniatures in a way that is fair to their opponent and is in the spirit of the game. 3D prints are acceptable. A proxy model is defined as a model that is not an actual GW produced model, but still shares many similarities to the GW model they are proxying as. Improper use of the proxy rule is to say this ‘X’ model is being played as ‘Y’ model and there are very few similarities between the 2 models, or to use empty bases/cut out paper/Legos in the place of models.

Chess Clocks- Chess Clocks will be encouraged, and at the Judges discretion, mandatory. Chess clocks are tools that can help ensure players receive an equal amount of play during each match. Chess clock usage between players is optional. If one player wishes to use a chess clock, then a clock will be used. Clock time will start with the Judges announcement that the round has begun, or anytime before that if players agree. Time will be on whoever is in control of the pace of the game. Examples include, but not limited to active model movement, shooting, end turn scoring, slow rolling saves, or even pausing your opponent’s move to ponder Overwatch. Both players should be actively managing the clock. The idea that each player is solely individually responsible to manage their time is not in the spirit of clock usage, especially if one opponent admits to not being very practiced with clock usage. Weaponizing the Chess Clock is cheating. If a player runs out of time before Battle Round 5, all active play on their part ceases. The only actions available to a timed-out player is making armor saves, drawing secondary objectives, and scoring based on the current board state. If a player clocks out, a Judge will more actively observe the remainder of the game. If the game reaches Battle Round 5 before either player clocks out, the game will finish in its natural course regardless of player time remaining.

Illegal Lists – If your list is found to be illegal according to the current GW GT Rules pack, we will handle the illegal list in a fashion that will continue to allow the player to play but making the list legal. This could range from requiring weapons change or in the removal of a unit from the game. Lists not annotating weapons loadouts or enhancements is considered an illegal list.

Cheating – Rules mistakes are common. If a mistake is discovered, and you play the rule properly for the remainder of the event, it will not be considered cheating. To continue to play the rule wrong in the following match will be considered cheating. Improper measurements, falsified dice rolls, or misleading/lying to your opponent about your army abilities can be considered cheating. If it is found that you are intentionally cheating in any way you will be immediately removed from the tournament and asked to leave the store.

Harassment - Anyone found harassing an individual for any reason based on sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, or for any other reason we deem demeaning to the individual being harassed will be removed from the event and asked to leave immediately without exception.

Judge Rulings – Calling for a Judge during a match should never be considered taboo. Any time players are unable to resolve a dispute quickly, call a judge. Judges will have a good understanding of core rules and strive to fully understand the dispute at hand, but their primary purpose is to make rulings to keep the game going. Have your applicable Army rules ready for review when calling a Judge. All Judge rulings are final. Extended debates with judges can result in either a 10VP reduction (Yellow Card), or removal from the event. Conversations regarding a ruling after the match are encouraged for the shared benefit of the community.


Store Credit for top placings and random door prizes. Only players with fully painted armies eligible for door prizes.

For any questions, contact Casey Houghton via Messenger, Discord, or email at Casey96B@gmail.com